Flag the Technology 5/16"x 6'

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$7.56 - $9.56
15953 Technology
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Our standard Flag the Technology flags are 12"x18". For custom sizing and logos, please call:  1-800-349-8752 

Flag the Technology is a field marking program originally developed by personnel at the University of Arkansas and is now a widely accepted practice to reduce the risk of a misapplication. This practice will also make the applicator aware of sensitive crops adjacent to the field being sprayed.

  • Red - Signifies conventional varieties with no herbicide technology traits. Extreme Caution
  • White - Represents Roundup Ready Technology that is tolerant to glyphosate herbicide
  • Bright Green - Indicates the Liberty Link technology. This technology is tolerant to glufosinate (Liberty) herbicide
  • Bright Yellow - Indicates Clearfield Rice Technology and STS soybeans.
  • Teal - Indicates tolerance to both 2, 4-D, and FOP (Accase) herbicides or the Enlist technology. For Enlist cotton and soybean fields, a green flag should be added to denote tolerance to glifosinate (Liberty)
  • Black - Indicates tolerance to dicamba herbicide or Xtend. The black and white checks indicate tolerance to both dicamba and glyphosate (Roundup). A        green flag should be added for cotton to denote tolerance to glufosinate (Liberty)